It has been the most amazing and exhausting week of my life :) We both just spend hours gazing at her and wondering how we got so lucky as to have such a perfect little daughter. I could stroke that fuzzy little head of hers all day long.
We aren't breastfeeding. Emily will not suck, and will scream herself hoarse if I try to put her on. At the last count, we have had six midwives and two lactation consultants visit us to see if they can help, but so far nothing has. So I am exclusively pumping for her and she is enjoying her boobie milk in a bottle. We're both a lot calmer now we aren't struggling with the breast every feed.
I'm getting about 50-60ml every three hours right now which is nicely meeting her needs. She is feeding every couple of hours now so I'm working on boosting my supply to keep up with her, although I will supplement with formula if I absolutely have to.
I was a weepy mess the day my milk came in. I think I spent most of it sobbing in my bedroom. I was a little better the day after and I think I'm almost under control now, but I still feel like I could weep at the drop of a hat.
My stitches seem to be healing nicely. They were pretty sore to start with and I had a few incidents of getting up and down awkwardly that was pretty painful, but on the whole I've been really lucky with my healing. I still have a massive bruise from my drip (both the insertion point and the path of the needle down my vein when I was hanging onto the bed for dear life) and my epidural but otherwise I'm fine. The state of my pelvic floor scares me though!! I am doing a LOT of exercises.
The Baron is doing my raving nana :) He is such a doting dad, but he is very overprotective and is struggling with how he feels about all the animals with her in the house. He also lacks confidence in handling her as he wasn't that involved in the Boy's early life and hasn't dealt with newborns before.
What else? Her stump fell off today, which is fab. Oh, she was weighed two days ago and had only lost 2 ounces, taking her to a tiny 6 pounds even. None of her newborn clothes fit and my Mum and sister made an emergency shopping trip to buy her tiny baby clothes. Today she is in a first size dress and it swamps her. It is still bloody cute, though.
She sleeps very well and last night we got two separate stretches of 4 hour sleep out of her. I don't mind her crying anyway since she looks like a pissed off alien when she cries and she makes the funniest little noises when she gets pissed off.
I'm also back to my pre-pregnancy weight now, and am in all my old clothes. They are also getting a tad loose - it is scary how quickly the weight is coming off, but the pumping and not finding time to sit and eat is no doubt helping.
The animals are pretty much used to her now. Frankie alternates between rabid curiosity and sheer terror when he sees her, and Willow thinks she is her baby. The others don't care. I don't think Zach has even realised she is here, and Lila is being clingy and protective although she is very gentle when she is around.
Emily is delightful. She grows more alert with every day that passes. And of course, more beautiful.
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