Little Lady is chunking up beautifully, and it is solely down to Mummy's Magical Milking Machine and the Boobie Juice. She has cheek and leg chub now!
I'm still pumping every two hours for her. I had a few days off for mental reasons and sore nipples, but I'm back on track. We have eight feeds in the fridge now, and today I froze my first bag of milk.
Bath time is a very popular time of day here. We always have bubbles, and today, we amused ourselves by giving her bubble hair and taking pictures.

She didn't care, as she likes nothing better than to lean back in the warm water and relax. She takes after her Mum there. The farting is all her Dad, however.
We're still waking every three to four hours in the night. I'm a little more used to it, and I find myself waking up just before she does. It gives me time to prepare her bottle and have a quick drink before she launches into full on crying. I've managed to get feeding her, changing her and settling her down to under half an hour now, which means I can then pump and be back in the Land of Nod in around an hour.
We went to our first breastfeeding support group. I didn't want to go, since I'm pumping and not actually breastfeeding, but my Health Visitor talked me into it. I'm glad we went - the ladies were really supportive of my decision to pump and it was nice to get out and about. Little Lady slept through most of it, and didn't seem particularly enamoured with the other babies. The little boy next to us seemed to like her, however....
She is so alert now. She tracks people across the room, and is starting to reach out for things that interest her. She loves her flashing star that plays music, and she likes her caterpillar rattle as well. She isn't so fond of the characters on her travel cot, but she watches them when the wind blows them.
I can hear stirrings from her cot. I feel a cuddle coming on....
I love both pictures! I am so happy for you, Sarah.
I am glad to hear that you went to a breastfeeding support group and that it went well. Is your new pump working out well for you?
All good stuff! Yipee. :)
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