I must explain that the Baron had said something very rude, hence the bizarre expression on my face. I don't routinely look like that! That picture was taken over two weeks ago, but it is my favourite and I don't have any really nice ones of my current size.
I've been signed off work with SPD. I have to admit it is a relief to be done, and the reduction in my driving and general wandering around clutching files has certainly helped to reduce the pain in my pelvis.
And for your viewing pleasure, a few other pictures I took:
A Paddington Bear quilt. We both adore Paddington, and the Baron had his own quilt set when he was young. I used to have Paddington Bear wallpaper, so this has special meaning to us both.
Every girl needs a pair of jelly shoes. 'Nuff said.
Part of the nappy stash. We decided to go for cloth nappies, and we decided that we didn't want to use all in one's because they don't hold up as well in the long term (since the whole nappy goes in the washer). Hopefully, we'll have other children to use these as well so it would be better if they lasted!
I couldn't resist. Zach Attack! was crying outside the room whilst I was taking pictures. He isn't actually allowed upstairs, but when this is downstairs:
you can understand his reluctance to be downstairs with her. Darth Lila has a skin infection and is wearing her lightshade to prevent her from removing her own face. She has my sympathy - after the issues I had in Jamaica last year, I fully understand how rotten she much feel, but I admit that that sympathy can become strained when she bangs her cone into my legs in an attempt to both get some love and to remove it.
And just to be fair to all the household critters:
That is what six cats on a bed looks like. To be honest, it is pretty rare that all six sleep together like that. Three or four is normal, five is not uncommon but all six? Incredible!
Excellent pictures all, but the one of you is the best!
You look beautiful. I was totally LOL at the picture of all the cats!
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