Monday 4 February 2008

Food glorious food

I'm eating for England. It is shocking how hungry I am these days, all the more so given my eight weeks of being completely repelled by food. I just can't get enough to eat.

I'm pleased to say that I'm still below my pre-pregnancy weight despite the constant scoffing, but it really is a matter of time before the scale starts creeping back up. I don't mind putting weight on at all, but I admit I would like to make sure the gain is reasonable and not because I have no self control in the face of overwhelming hunger!

The eating is doing something. My bump is growing nicely.

1 comment:

Pez said...

Sometimes I felt like there was never enough food in the world when you are pregnant. It will ease off so enjoy the appetite while you can. You are eating for two, after all! ;)

P.S. It will come back again while you are nursing.