The black hole is mounted on four legs, is covered in white flecked black fur and scabs, and appears with regularity whenever more food is required.
This handsome gentleman is absolutely ravenous (and is also very charming). He first found the Baron out in the garage (where he was working on his latest project). We keep our cat food out there - with six cats, we buy in bulk - and the Baron took pity on his starving companion.
He has been a permanent fixture ever since. The Baron is adamant that we aren't bringing him, yet every evening he feeds him and brings him in for a snuggle on the sofa. He says he just feels sorry for him....
He is a very trusting cat. He is clearly used to humans, as he wanders in the door whenever he gets the chance and makes himself very comfortable. He doesn't mind the dogs either (although they are terrified of him), and he has met several of our cats. Frankie seems to think Hadron is his reflection, but Frankie has never been the smartest of kitties. Ellie isn't impressed, but she hasn't tried to attack him yet.
The real test will be the other four cats. Those four have lived on the streets and bear the scars to prove it. If they accept him, we will have a new cat.
What a cutie!
He kind of looks like my little black kitten Kiwi - except skinnier.
An accidental new pet....fantastic!!
Oh, I hope you are able to make a home for your newest visitor. All of our cats are strays who have simply come to stay. Indeed, our new baby (achieved with difficulties not dissimilar to yours) is the first creature to live with us by volition rather than the circumstance of showing up at the food bowls one night. The cats tolerate her rather well, all things considering.
If your informal cat rescue operation becomes a financial burden, you could always solicit donations through Paypal or similar. I for one would be happy to contribute.
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