Saturday, 26 May 2007

Boy Woes

I'm hiding away in our little bedroom right now. I thought about holing up with some beer and some munchies, but I haven't got long.

The Boy is here for the long weekend. In fairness, he is being really REALLY good right now and isn't causing immediate stress (he woke me up with a cup of tea this morning) but he knows that he is skating on some very thin ice right now.

He got a one day suspension from school on Thursday.

From what I understand, he got karate kicked in the chest when the teacher wasn't looking (the class bully egged one of the other boys on). No-one believed him, and he lost it. Just completely flipped and started to throw chairs around (and then pick them all back up again). I've not heard the other side (I've been away all week and haven't managed to go to his school yet) so I don't know how truthful his account of this is, but given the other stories he's told, it sounds about right.

So he got suspended. He isn't the first in his class by any means and his teacher said how sorry she was to do it (she really likes him), but some firm action needed to be taken to impress upon him just how unacceptable his behaviour was.

The problem is that the boys all pick on him. Whilst he gets on fine with adults (and girls), he has no clue how to relate to other boys and they pick up on that. They get into trouble for what they do to him, but sadly for the Boy, he seems to get caught more retaliating than they do.

He has been referred to a child mental health unit for an evaluation. It has since been brought forward after this little incident and it is a week on Monday. I will be attending (both his mother and his school have requested my presence) and I'm hoping that they will see through my sister's act. No doubt she will try to do her "I'm a fabulous Mum" routine, but I imagine they have seen that many times before.

I know he is very immature and has a real inability to control his emotions. I'm hoping that that is all that is wrong, because those will come eventually with time (and some help and practice).

But I fear that unless his mother sorts herself out, nothing will change.

The Boy believes that neither she or his father wants him. He isn't silly. He can see that their behaviour towards him is not the same as how other parents behaviour towards their children. He is here again, after all. It doesn't matter how much I want him here, or how much he wants to be here because he knows that he is here because Mummy won't be at home with him.

On Thursday, she threatened to send him to a children's home. I've not seen him cry that much in a long time. He truly believed that she would do it. I could have killed her for that, I really could have. Saying things like that does nothing for his belief that she doesn't want him.

(I promised that if she dared try it, I'd spring him out and we'd leave the country. We'd borrow a cross channel ferry (I'd ply the captain with some duty free and then sit on him, and the Boy would steer) and we'd set sail for the Caribbean. Nothing like a good plan!)

Daddy forcibly cut his hair last weekend. The Boy has wanted to grow it for a long time, and at eight I think he is well able to make that decision for himself. But Daddy, being a twat, thinks that he will be gay if he has anything less than a skinhead, and so shaved his head. If that wasn't bad enough, he did a piss poor job and left him with straggly bits all over his head.

No wonder the poor child is in a state.......


Anonymous said...

God, it does sound like The Boy has more than enough to handle for an 8 year-old! It also sounds like he must really appreciate having a great Aunt like yourself, where he can go and spend time. Just imagine if he didn't have you...

Anonymous said...

Oh no...:(
Thank goodness for you (and the Baron)Pen!

Kimmer said...

Damn, that is so sad. I'm glad he has you guys to see what unconditional love is. (deleted comment about his mom)

Rebekah said...

You can come here and hide at my house. She'll never find you!

I'm sorry his mother is such a [censored].