Tuesday, 18 July 2006

Seriously pissed off

Bloody bloody work.

I was asked to attend an evening meeting at one of my clients tonight. Fine. I don't usually attend such meetings, but my manager was unable to and asked me to cover. Not a problem.
He gave me the wrong bloody address. I remember clarifying exactly where it was to be held, because we joked about the logistics of holding it in a small office with no air conditioning, whilst in the midst of a heatwave. I laughed, and inwardly grimaced.

I turned up to find no-one there, save an out of hours contractor painting the offices.

Bloody great.

I called my sister and asked her to open my e-mail. Absolutely nothing. Nothing that would indicate just where the bloody meeting was.

So I feel like a complete tit.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Posted by: Pez | Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 01:05

On an up note . . .

We get to hear all kinds of funny British anger phrases when you "feel like a tit." Heh.

Oh, and I would be upset, too. Heh.

Posted by: Evil | Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 01:38