Thursday, 6 July 2006

Bad girl checking in

Ok, so I was bored.

I'm not bored anymore. Thanks to the evil influence of my sister I have spent a small fortune on some new clothes and a whole new skin routine and I now kill much time in the bathroom buggering around with lotions and potions.

We have also booked a family holiday for February next year. We are all (and by all I mean myself, the Baron, my parents, my evil sister and deranged nephew, and my evil sister's best friend) going to JAMAICA!

We will be there for my 29th birthday and the Baron's 30th. The Boy chimed in that we will be there for his half birthday, but sadly we just miss my parents 30th wedding anniversary and my Dad's birthday. Not that that will stop us celebrating them whilst we are there :)

However, my main time waster these days is iSketch. It is tragic just how much time I spend playing that. Thankfully, the Baron is equally hooked and so we play each other into the wee hours of the morning, or until my eyes close with sleep.

Which is about now....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamaica in February sounds like HEAVEN!

What exactly is iSketch? I keep hearing about it at IOW, but have no idea what it is, other than being very addictive.

Posted by: Kimmer | Friday, 07 July 2006 at 13:23

Jamaica, mon! How fun!

Posted by: Pez | Friday, 07 July 2006 at 15:36

There is nothing like a good dose of retail therapy to put a girl into a better mood! And planning an Island getaway...that's something great to look forward to!

Posted by: kross-eyed kitty | Friday, 07 July 2006 at 17:50