Saturday, 3 June 2006


Ramona has tagged me, which gives me an excuse to talk about something other than my pets :)

Although I have just discovered just how fast a rottweiler propelled chair can go, and it is pretty damn impressive! And even better, Darth Lila is now sleeping off her exertions.....

5 Items in my fridge

I've just been shopping so thankfully there is actually some real food in there:
Pork chops. Ready for the BBQ tomorrow;
Freshly picked strawberries;
A half mauled packet of ham from the deli. I buy fresh ham for the cats whenever I shop, and they raid my shopping bags for it. All six cats come down for it, and the dogs sit and watch them scarf it;
Lots of salad. I'm on a diet; and
A Kit Kat. I'm not sticking all that well to said diet.

5 items in my wardrobe (I don't do closets):

My 14 eye DM boots;
My favourite Rock Goddess t shirt;
My work suits and shirts;
My collection of hand knitted (by me) scarves that I made whilst practicing knitting; and
A dress I bought to wear for my cousin's wedding. I decided to wear something else and I have no idea when I will wear the dress. It is chocolate brown, and has a spiral thread going round it made of seashells. It is really hard to describe, but it is a really cool dress.

5 items in my car

My car is packed to the gills with rubbish. I haven't emptied all the shopping out, so I know that there is a lot of cat and dog food still in the boot, as well as some drinks and toilet paper. I spend a lot of time in my car, so it tends to accumulate a lot of stuff:
The Half Blood Prince on CD. I'm re-listening to it, and have remembered just how far away next year is. I need to have that last book in my hands NOW!! I'm just not that patient;
My very well used road map of the UK;
Menthol chewing gum;
Several bottles of water, and most have some chewing gum stuck to them. I know it is disgusting, but I haven't anywhere else to stick it whilst driving, and I don't want to lob it out the window. Apart from being vile, I am scared that it will stick the car behind me who will then follow me and shout at me! That is probably further into my mind that you needed to go, really; and
A ton of hair. We took the dogs out for a drive last weekend, and I haven't had time to clean up after them. Thankfully, Lila doesn't get car sick anymore. Then I had to take three cats to the vets, and Charlie tried to escape from his carrier by moulting most of his body hair. As did Ozzie the Artic Cat and Holly the Foul Mouthed Old Lady Who Is Quite Sweet When She Wants Ham.

5 items in my purse

Are we talking purse or bag? I'm think I'm going with bag, because my actual purse is really boring:
Entrance passes for two of my clients. I was supposed to return both of them;
A collection of highlighters;
Nappy sacks, for the daily poo patrol;
An apple; and
Tea bags. I like a special brand of tea, and so I carry a few with me for an afternoon treat.

So there you have it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol! I should have mentioned that i have gum stuck all over little pieces of paper in my car. I don't like throwing it out the window because I'd hate for a bird to pick it up and choke.
thanks for doing the meme! :)

Posted by: kross-eyed kitty | Monday, 05 June 2006 at 08:22

Lovely! BTW, you might want to try keeping a plastic shopping bag in the car. You can use that to throw away your gum. :)

Posted by: Miss Arrogant | Friday, 09 June 2006 at 21:48