Saturday, 6 May 2006

When good weekends turn bad

Friday started off much as any other day does here.

I fed the Monsters, and then I took the dogs out for their walk. Walking two dogs isn't as easy as I hoped it might be. Zach spends most of his time trying to climb on Lila's back for a ride, which Lila completely ignores in favour of holding both her lead and Zach's lead in her mouth.

So we were on the Green, enjoying the early morning sunshine. People were walking to the bus stop and shouting greetings across the street. Just a pleasant morning.

Zach was half on Lila, half dangling in mid air. Lila was carefully ignoring Zach and sniffing a particularly fascinating patch of ground. I, of course, was hopelessly entangled in two extendable dog leads.

I'm fairly good at getting things untangled......after Zach unravelled my last knitting project I spent hours sorting out the mess of wool that he left behind, and I managed to untangle and save nearly all of it.

So after a few minutes of going round, under, over and back round the dogs, I had us all free and ready to go.

That's when I fell over.

So Friday passed in a drug filled haze, as I took painkiller after painkiller to ease the pain of my throbbing ankle. It had only just healed properly from the time I took a tumble over Lila last year....

Today started off with a breakfast of milk and more painkillers for me, and half rations for the dogs. Someone (pointing no fingers at all) had failed to notice that the dog biscuits were nearly all gone.

That meant a trip to the supermarket, instead of the planned "do bugger all and rest the ankle" day. It's a good thing that I took yet more painkillers before I went to enable me to walk round, because I managed to break my toe by ramming my own trolley into my foot.

I am not going outside again this weekend. In fact, I might not move from the sofa at all.
It has GOT to be safer :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking hiring a dog walker might be cheaper than all the pain meds. Feel better soon!

Posted by: Katie | Monday, 08 May 2006 at 22:17

Ouch! I hope your ankle is feeling better (or that you do not run out of painkillers!).

Posted by: Pez | Tuesday, 09 May 2006 at 06:50