Thursday, 6 April 2006


Big Dog pushed Little Dog into the pond. I suspect Big Dog was scared by the frog that has taken up residence, and tried to use Little Dog as a diversion whilst she legged it.

He didn't mind. He came running in, soaking wet, tail wagging, and looking very pleased with himself. Nothing fazes that dog. Not even Darth Lila trying to swing him round by his tail.

She has a fascination with tails. I don't blame her, since she is ill equpped in the tail department herself, but the cats do get a little narked when she tries to hold theirs in her mouth.

Zach does take enormous liberties with her, much as she did with her uncle. He clambers all over her, bites her face and her legs (and then runs away very quickly) and steals her toys. Then again, much like Harvey, Lila truly believes that all toys belong to her anyway. She will remove any toy that Zach has in his mouth as a matter of principle. He then gets another, and whilst she takes that, he runs off with the original toy that he really wanted and sits under the table.

Lila is far too huge to fit under the table these days. Lila is a big girl now, and weighs nearly seven stone.

But they love each other. They are inseparable, my Little and Large.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww! Every one needs a little brother to pick on. hehe

Posted by: Katie | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 13:39

Heehee! Sounds like Zach has Lila all figured out.

Posted by: Pez | Saturday, 08 April 2006 at 04:43